Uniswap is putting the latest protocol's smart contracts to the test.
Uniswap Labs announced this week that the Uniswap V3 protocol smart contracts are now available on all major Ethereum test nets, including Ropsten, Rinkeby, Kovan, and Goerlich. On Github, test net smart contract addresses have been released. At the same time, the Uniswap team reminded users that the addresses are provisional and will be updated when the archive is updated. The third version's key contacts are also available on GitHub.
On March 23, a developer incentive program with rewards up to $ 500,000 was introduced to identify errors in V3 contracts. Remember that the creators of the Uniswap decentralized exchange announced a new version of the Uniswap V3 protocol in March, which will be released on Ethereum on May 5 and then merged with the second Optimism level solution.
“Concentrated liquidity,” as described in the Uniswap V3 White Paper, enables liquidity providers to set minimum and maximum prices for their stake in any given pool. The new protocol version will also allow for the development of multiple pools with different commissions.
. In addition, the protocol licensing regime has been significantly altered by the developers. The developers hope that the new license would prevent other DeFi projects from fully copying the protocol code and developing their own applications. As a reminder, SushiSwap, a fork of Uniswap, introduced liquidity from the parent platform to its own platform last fall. As a result, the number of assets blocked on Uniswap has decreased by 75%.
DEX continues to attract significant trading volumes despite the Ethereum network's high fees, which according to Etherscan average about $ 67.86 per token exchange for Uniswap. Hayden Adams, the founder of Uniswap, announced on April 20 that the platform's weekly trading volume had surpassed $ 10 billion for the first time.